Vaper’s Tongue: What Is It, and What Can You Do About It?
At the point when you unexpectedly can't taste your e-fluid, it very well may be baffling and somewhat unnerving - particularly on the off chance that you're never capable olfactory weakness. You might be savoring the flavor of your favorite vape juice at one point, and the next, nothing!
You might have vaper's tongue if you can't taste your e-liquid. Individuals allude to this condition by various different names, for example, vape tongue and fume tongue, however one way or another, it depicts exactly the same thing: an abrupt inability to taste the vape juice.
The good news will be our first focus. Vaper's tongue is a condition that affects a lot of vapers and has gotten worse as e-liquids have gotten sweeter over time. Therefore, it is not unusual for you to be experiencing it, and the best part is that it will eventually subside on its own.
However, you might be interested in learning a little bit more about the causes of your vaper's tongue while you wait for it to stop. All the more significantly, we will share a few hints that could end up being useful to you fix your vaper's tongue all the more rapidly. Let's start!
What Is Vaper’s Tongue?
Vaper's tongue is a type of olfactory weariness. Essentially, your brain has stopped processing the sensory information from your e-liquid. This could be because you're constantly inundating your palate with a single, extremely flavorful e-liquid, or because you change e-liquid flavors so frequently that your brain has become overloaded and has given up trying to separate all of the different flavor notes that are entering.
Have you at any point gone to a retail chain to purchase scent for yourself or a friend or family member? Olfactory fatigue is probably something you've experienced before. When you smell several perfumes at once, or even just one or two if they are sufficiently strongly scented, you stop being able to distinguish between them because they all smell the same.
Some fragrance counter specialists will really offer you espresso beans to smell between fragrances as a kind of "sense of taste chemical" for your nose. The effectiveness of the coffee-sniffing technique varies, but the goal is essentially to retrain your brain and regain your sense of smell. Taking a break from the perfume counter for a while is the most effective treatment for this type of olfactory exhaustion, although coffee can be helpful in a pinch. In this article, we'll talk about a few comparative strategies that might be useful to you fix your instance of vaper's tongue all the more rapidly.
E-Liquid Residue Isn’t the Same Thing as Vaper’s Tongue
We'd like to talk about one of the most common vaping annoyances that isn't vaper's tongue before we get into the various treatment options for your case of vaper's tongue. Are you using an e-liquid that has a lot of sugar in it? If you haven't changed the atomizer coil in your vape tank in a few days and have been vaping heavily, the fact that you can't taste your e-liquid probably has nothing to do with olfactory fatigue. It is more likely that the remaining sucralose in your vape juice has simply covered your coil.
Is the residue of sucralose to blame for your inability to taste your e-liquid? When you take your coil out of your tank, you can check it to see if that is the case. Look through the top of the coil to see its heating surface while holding it in a bright light. The heating surface of the coil will probably appear fairly grimy and dark if the vape juice you're using has a lot of sugar in it.
You won't be able to taste your e-liquid if your vape coil has a thick layer of sucralose residue because the burnt flavor of the residue is overpowering the other flavors. The problem will disappear right away if the coil is replaced. It's possible that you do have vaper's tongue if you replace your coil and still can't taste your e-liquid. Continue reading for suggested solutions.
Vaper’s Tongue Resolves Itself with Time
The tongue of a vaper is definitely unpleasant and hinders your vaping experience. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is that it will go away on its own. Even though the situation may be bothersome, you might discover that the best course of action is to temporarily reduce your vaping frequency. Put your vape pack down and a tad between vaping meetings. You might find that you don't get the olfactory fatigue that makes it hard to taste your vape juice if you don't chain vape and fill your palate with strong flavors all day.
What Causes Vaper’s Tongue?
According to reports from members of the vaping community, there are two usage patterns that seem especially likely to cause vaper’s tongue.
- You're utilizing an e-fluid that either has an incredibly impressive flavor or is intensely improved. Vaper's tongue appears to be more likely to affect very heavy vapers who use their devices almost constantly in this scenario. You eventually lose the ability to taste the subtle nuances of your e-liquid because you are constantly inhaling a single strong flavor.
- Throughout the day, you are constantly changing the flavors of your e-liquid. It's possible that you have a number of distinct vape tanks, each of which contains a distinct flavor. You change tanks whenever you get sick of the flavor you're using right now.
In either of the above scenarios, olfactory fatigue happens because you’re overwhelming your palate with flavor – either a single very strong flavor or a constant string of different flavors. If you experience vaper’s tongue when using a single e-liquid flavor, try vaping less often – and if you lose your sense of taste when switching e-liquid flavors frequently, try sticking with just one flavor per day.
Using a Palate Cleanser Can Cure Vaper’s Tongue More Quickly
As previously stated, treating vaper's tongue can be as straightforward as waiting for the condition to resolve on its own. However, if you're not enjoying your vaping experience, that might be easier said than done. You'll need something that can immediately restore your sense of taste, like the bag of coffee grounds at the perfume counter.
Similar to vapers, professional tasters rely on their sense of taste to distinguish between coffee, chocolate, wine, and other foods and beverages. They may occasionally experience olfactory fatigue. To hold their palates sharp and forestall weakness back from setting in, they use sense of taste chemicals.
The majority of vaping enthusiasts agree that plain water is the best cleanser for treating smokers' tongues; either carbonated or still water will suffice. Conceivable water is great for relieving vaper's tongue since vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol - the two fixings that any e-fluid has in the most noteworthy focuses - both retain and trap dampness. During heavy vaping, the fact that PG and VG are both humectants can make you feel like you have a film on your tongue. Putting forth an exceptional attempt to keep yourself hydrated when vaping may assist with settling that. If you are having trouble tasting your e-liquid, brushing your teeth might also be helpful. Always remember to brush your tongue.
If drinking more water doesn't help your vaper's tongue, you might be able to use a stronger palate cleanser to your advantage. You might want to give a few of the most common choices a try:
- Black coffee, either hot or iced
- Lemon wedges or lemon juice
- Pickled ginger, such as the type served at sushi restaurants
- Unsweetened tea
- Milk
You can use a variety of foods and drinks to cleanse your palate. The point is to choose a liquid with a neutral flavor that physically removes e-liquid residue from your palate or one with a strong flavor that helps you reset your sense of taste, like the coffee beans at the perfume counter. Select a palate cleanser that does not resemble your e-liquid in any way.
If You Can’t Taste Your E-Liquid, Try Switching to Unflavored Vape Juice
Have you ever given any thought to the possibility that an e-liquid can actually be used as a mouthwash? Why waste your usual e-liquid if you can't even taste it? Until you can taste again, try switching to an e-liquid that doesn't have any flavors. E-liquids with plain menthol are also popular with vapers who occasionally experience olfactory fatigue. You may be able to continue vaping without having to deal with the frustration of not being able to taste your vape juice until your full sense of taste returns by using an e-liquid that has a very basic and neutral flavor.
You might try and find that you really appreciate utilizing a clearly seasoned or unflavored e-fluid on the grounds that vape juices that aren't unequivocally enhanced don't cause vaper's tongue. Due to the fact that they have actually developed a taste for the faintly sweet flavor of vegetable glycerin, a lot of people only use plain, unflavored e-liquid. The best part is that unflavored e-liquid will probably cost significantly less than flavored e-liquid.