Free Same-day Delivery

Free Same-Day Local Delivery on All Orders above CND $49.99 before tax on different cities & towns and payment sent to & Call/Text on 226-507-9386


The minimum cost of Order before Tax

Delivery Charge

Within 3 KM

More than $49.99


Less than $49.99


Within 3-10 KM

More than $59.99


Less than $59.99


Within 10-15 KM

More than $69.99


Less than $69.99


Within 15-25 KM

More than $79.99


Less than $79.99


More than 25 KM

More than $89.99


Less than $89.99



Provincial & Canada wide Delivery 

  1. Orders less than $250: $19.99
  2. Orders More than $250: Free Delivery

Important Note for False orders

Before delivering a product to the customer, Age verification will be conducted by a delivery person so, bring your physical ID before getting the product in your hand.

If a customer fails to show ID, the customer will be charged the amount of the delivery charge but does not need to pay for the product.